Teaching Meditation and Non-Duality in Portland, OR, New Jersey, and Online

Vedanta for the Householder
New Group Meditation & Knowledge Talk, Thursdays at 5 pm PST.
Join me every Thursday at 5 pm PST for a free group Vedic meditation and knowledge talk. Short on time? We meditate first, so hop on by at 5 pm for meditation only, and then stay when you can! We talk about all things from a Vedantic perspective, explore the teachings of the ancient Rishis, and discuss how their knowledge applies to us as householders in 2024.
5:05 - 5:25 pm PST - Vedic Meditation
5:25 - 5:45 pm PST - Knowledge Talk & Questions
*Open to all self-transcending meditators practicing with our technique, no matter what you call it or where or how you learned. If you are not part of our tradition but have a meditation practice, you're welcome to join us and practice your technique while we have a Vedic Meditation.
Meeting ID: 824 8027 2599
Passcode: meditate
5/16/24 Vedic
Meditation Q&A
Staying consistent with 2nd meditation
Dealing with distractions during meditation
Empathy as a trauma response
5/2/24 Nonduality and The Difference Between Vedic Meditation and Mindfulness
How Vedic Meditation connects us to nonduality
The big subtle difference between Vedic Meditation and Mindfulness
4/18/24 Compassion
and Loving-Kindness Meditation
In this session, we do a classic Buddhist Compassion and Loving-Kindness Meditation
To listen to the meditation only, please see the audio track below
4/25/24 Awakening Compassion in Ourselves to Awaken It In All
Knowing Oneness through direct experience
Practicing self-compassion
4/4/24 Compassion
and Devotion Pt 2
How to cultivate compassion
Maintaining presence during triggers
The video mentioned - How to get rid of the angry boss | Hector Marcel | TEDxBushwick
3/28/24 Compassion
and Devotion
Why you should read Vedantic texts very slowly
Cultivating compassion for those who appear to be an enemy
3/14/24 All About Stress Release
The process of stress release
The mantra:
faintness and subtlety
Stress release and body feeling
3/21/24 Nonchalance, compassion, and devotion
Nonchalance while using the mantra and meditating
Compassion and devotion in non-duality
3/7/24 All About MahaShivaratri
What is MahaShivaratri?
Who is Shiva?
How you can celebrate this auspicious day
2/29/24 Negation as a Means to Liberation
Insight and direct experience with regards to our meditation
Self-Inquiry and the nature of reality
Negation of intellectual, mental, and physical concepts
2/22/24 Q&A
Is there a relationship between charm and karma?
I have non-stop thoughts during meditation - what does this mean?
Fate vs free will
The Vedic view of manifestation
2/15/24 Adi Shankara's
The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination
Who was Adi Shankara?
Why is this book so important?
The first 2 (of 3) steps of his path to liberation - Insight & Inquiry - and how that looks to householders in 2024
Mantras to use outside of meditation:
Aham Brahmasmi​
Guru Dev
2/8/24 Renunciation of Seeking Enlightenment
Part 2
Recommendation of Christopher Isherwood's translation of Adi Shankara's The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination
The covering of bliss vs. Bliss Itself
Why not understanding what you just learned when studying Vedanta is evidence of consciousness expanding
2/1/24 Renunciation -
Seeking Enlightenment
Part 1
Review of meditative experiences - transcendent and thought filled meditations
Internal renunciation of the desire for enlightenment
1/25/24 Nirvar Tatvam
Swami Brahmanada Saraswati's (Guru Dev)
2-word lecture
1/18/24 How Life Stresses Stabilize the Benefits of Your Meditation Practice
1/11/24 Charm & Being Unattached to Outcome
Review of renunciation of thought and desire
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the recurring thought Rameshwaram (ebook here - The man we refer to is Tat Wale Baba)
How Vedic Meditation is Nishkama Karma Yoga - action without regard to outcome
12/14/23 Renunciation
& Thought
Renunciation for the householder
Consciousness, thoughts, and meditation
Managing thoughts and emotions with mindfulness
Self-realization and spiritual practices
Vedantic philosophy and self-awareness
12/21/23 Renunciation
& Desire
What is desire?
The concept of charm
Charm and a dysregulated nervous system
How to practice charm
12/7/23 Viveka & Maya
Viveka review
An Alternate Understanding of Maya
What is enlightenment?
Inner-body awareness and an aid to realizing one's true nature
The nature of reality and consciousness
11/30/23 Viveka - A Modern Understanding
Adi Shankara's Crest Jewel of Discrimination translated by Swami Prabhavananda & Christopher Isherwood
free legal download here
Sri M (Jeff Kober's teacher) talking about a modern approach to Viveka - 4 minutes
Blaine Watson - Vedic Astrologer - blainepw@me.com
Podcast episodes with Blaine that are hosted by Vedic Meditators:​
11/16/23 OM & Fire
​Why we shouldn't use Om (and what to use instead)
Why we don't engage the abs in Vedic Meditation
Current planetary alignment can lead to arguments in relationships - learn to take that fiery energy within and evolve instead!
Short reading about fire (Agni) from the Siva Purana.